Welcome to our hosting services

  • Thursday, 6th October, 2016
  • 20:10pm

Best Shared Hosting for Businesses:

Severe Tech LLC provides all of our customers with the tools needed to build a website. Whether you're building the site yourself, or working with a developer, we provide access to the needed tools.

Easy Hosting Management in cPanel

We provide cPanel free for all Business Hosting customers. In it you can easily create email address, setup multiple FTP users, manage SSH logins, and much more.

Website Hosting Tools

SevereTech Hosting offers a wide range of software, tools and features to help your website stand out from the rest. We offer the most popular blogging and CMS software like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. Installing these features are quick and painless thanks to the Softaculous one-click installation script which is accessed within cPanel. Severe Tech supports the most popular PHP and MySQL software.

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